Express your Vision

Website Package $8000

We work closely with you to identify your goals and determine where and how your new website can help you achieve them; then we create a unique custom website that’s up to the task. You’ll receive two custom designs to choose from, and will have the opportunity to provide feedback along the way. This package includes up to 24 web pages, 16 stock images, and a three-hour training session in WordPress.

Is this Package for Me?

‘Express your Vision’ is suitable for:

  • Multi-facted organizations that need to address multiple audiences.
  • Businesses working through a (re)launch of products and services.
  • Hands-on entrepreneurs who enjoy working collaboratively on design and copy.
  • Anyone who wants to travel their web development journey with a partner who appreciates the challenges of both business and non-profits and who celebrates their wins.

Heard enough? Drop us a line to get started! Or read on for more information.

What Can I Expect?

First, we’ll send you our proprietary Project Discovery Worksheet, to help you identify your target audience and the goals for your website. We’ll also explain what you need to know about the costs and technologies involved.

After you’ve completed the worksheet, we’ll book a brief phone call to confirm the package is suitable for your project.

If it looks like we’re a good fit, we’ll sign a contract, accept a deposit, and book a Project Discovery session, where the fun begins. Together we’ll decide how to achieve your goals, how to organize your website’s content, and what kind of visual style to use. We’ll also help you register your domain and buy hosting.

Then we go off and create two unique designs for you to choose from. For each of the two designs, you’ll get a drawing of the home page and a secondary page.

Next up: a design review meeting (by phone with screen-sharing) of up to an hour, where you tell us which design you prefer and suggest any desired changes.

Then we spend up to four hours making revisions to get it right, and ask you to sign off before coding starts.

Now it’s time to decide what to say. We kick off this phase with a 1.5 hour meeting to discuss content and agree on a deadline for you to provide the full website copy.

While you’re writing, we implement the design as a WordPress theme, and install and configure a Contact Form (with a spam-preventing Captcha feature) and Google Analytics (so you can track visits to your site). If you’ve requested add-on features, we’ll implement them at this time.

When your content is ready (this package covers up to 24 pages), we proof it, enter it into WordPress, and format it.

Now that we’ve seen your content, we’ll select and purchase up to 16 high quality stock photography images which communicate your message visually and enhance the site. You can also send us your own high-quality photos to use.

When the site is ready, we launch it!

Then we hold a single 3 hour training session, either by telephone and screen-sharing, or in person if you prefer (which costs $100 extra).

Following launch, we offer one month support, which consists of three hours of combined email/telephone support and/or work on the website.

What Next?

Wondering if this package is right for your project? Drop us a line!

Interested in our other packages? Review them here.

We'd love to hear from you!

We are using Contact Form 7, instead of the contact form that is built into the theme.